Summer Program for High School Students

The Summer program provides 12-14 students (pending funding availability) aged 16-20 years old with a seven week summer supported work placement with work being defined as either work experience, honorarium based employment or paid employment.
The goals of the program are to:
• Provide meaningful, integrated, & individualized work placements
for 5-6 hours/day.
• Provide on site training and support as well as initial
transportation coordination.

• Increase student’s self sufficiency and self esteem through
earned wages and improved community participation.

• Assist in the transition process from school to work following graduation.
• Encourage schools to develop and implement progressive employment curricula using community based resources.

The Summer program was developed for the following reasons:
• A lack of options for this age group

• To further develop employment opportunities

• To develop long term plans through exposure with community
based agencies

• To encourage parents and families to be active in student’s life
following graduation

Selection Process
In order to take part in the summer program, the student must be eligible for respite funding and clearly interested in working. The student must be willing to commit to the program for seven consecutive weeks. Students must not have participated in the program for more than two years and priority will be given to older students who are closer to graduating from high school. It is the goal of the summer program to run a balanced program with a range of support needs (pending funding availability).
Referrals to the program are received through high schools or by identification in the Individual Transition Plan/Individual Educational Plan. Community Service Workers can also make applications on behalf of students and their families.
Applications must be completed and returned to SCE LifeWorks. Applicants will be contacted shortly after this deadline to set up interviews at the student’s school. SCE LifeWorks will notify both the Community Services Worker and the selected applicants of decision. Please note that the start dates of the summer program are staggered to allow for individualized training by a job coach.
Throughout the program, job coaches will work with clients to develop a portfolio highlighting the students work experience. At the end of the session, each student will receive a written evaluation completed by SCE LifeWorks.